class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # IDS 702: Module 1.11 ## Model building and selection ### Dr. Olanrewaju Michael Akande --- ## Which predictors should be in your model? - This is a very hard question and one of intense statistical research. -- - Different people have different opinions on how to answer the question. -- - It also depends on the goal of your analysis: prediction vs. interpretation or association. -- - We will not focus on answering the question on which is the best "overall". -- - Instead, we will focus on how to approach the problem and the most common methods used. -- - See Section 6.1 of [An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R]( for more details on the methods we will cover. --- ## What variables should you include? - .hlight[Goal]: prediction + Include variables that are strong predictors of the outcome. -- + Excluding irrelevant variables can reduce the widths of the prediction intervals. -- - .hlight[Goal]: interpretation and association + Include all variables that you thought apriori were related to the outcome of interest, even if they are not statistically significant. -- + This improves interpretation of coefficients of interest. --- class: center, middle # Model selection criterion --- ## Model selection criterion The most common are: - Adjusted R-squared: .block[ .small[ $$\textrm{Adj.}R^2 = 1 - (1-R^2) \left[\dfrac{n-1}{n-p-1} \right] $$ ] ] -- - Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC): .block[ .small[ $$\textrm{AIC} = n \textrm{ln}(\textrm{RSS}) - n \textrm{ln}(n) + 2(p+1) $$ ] ] -- - Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) or Schwarz Criterion: .block[ .small[ `$$\textrm{BIC} = n \textrm{ln}(\textrm{RSS}) - n \textrm{ln}(n) + (p+1) \textrm{ln}(n)$$` ] ] -- where `\(n\)` is the number of observations, `\(p\)` is the number of variables (or parameters) excluding the intercept, and RSS is the residual sum of squares, that is, .block[ .small[ `$$\textrm{RSS} = \sum^n_{i=1} \left(y_i - \hat{y}_i \right)^2.$$` ] ] --- ## Model selection criterion - Note: + Large `\(\textrm{Adj.}R^2\)` = .hlight[good!] + Small AIC = .hlight[good!] + Small BIC = .hlight[good!] -- - Notice that BIC generally places a heavier penalty on models with many variables for `\(n > 8\)` since .block[ .small[ $$\textrm{ln}(n) (p+1) > 2(p+1) $$ ] ] for fixed `\(p\)` and `\(n > 8\)`. -- - Thus, BIC can result in the selection of smaller models than AIC. -- - *Note: the formulas for `\(\textrm{Adj.}R^2\)`, AIC and BIC in Section 6.1 of [An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R]( take slightly different forms but are equivalent to those given here when comparing models.* --- class: center, middle # Common selection strategies --- ## Backward selection - Start with the full model that includes all `\(p\)` available predictors. -- - Drop variables one at a time that are deemed irrelevant based on some criterion. -- + Drop the variable with the largest p-value (from nested F-test if categorical variable). -- + Drop variables (possibly all at once) with p-value over some threshold (for example, 0.10). -- + Drop the variable that leads to the smallest "change" in AIC, BIC, or `\(\textrm{Adj.}R^2\)`. *You might even consider using average MSE from k-fold cross-validation if the goal is prediction.* -- - Stop when removing variables no longer improve the model, based on the chosen criterion. --- ## Forward selection - Start with the model that only includes the intercept. -- - Add variables one at a time based on some criterion. -- + Add the variable with the smallest p-value using some threshold (for example, 0.10). -- + Add the variable that leads to the smallest value of AIC or BIC, or the largest value of `\(\textrm{Adj.}R^2\)`. *Again, you might consider using average MSE from k-fold cross-validation if the goal is prediction.* -- - Stop when adding variables no longer improves the model, based on the chosen criterion. --- ## Stepwise selection - Start with the model that only includes the intercept. -- - Potentially do one forward step to enter a variable in the model, using some criterion to decide if it is worth including the variable. -- - From the current model, potentially do one backwards step, using some criterion to decide if it is worth dropping one of the variables in the model. -- - Repeat these steps until the model does not change. --- ## Model Selection in R - .hlight[step] function (in base R): forward, backward, and stepwise selection using AIC/BIC. -- - .hlight[regsubsets] function (.hlight[leaps] package): forward, backward, and stepwise selection using `\(\textrm{Adj.}R^2\)` or BIC. --- ## Other options: shrinkage methods - Fit a model containing all `\(p\)` available predictors, then use a technique that shrinks the coefficient estimates towards zero. -- - The two most common methods are: + Ridge regression + Lasso regression (performs variable selection) -- - We will not cover these methods in this course. -- - Consider taking STA521 if you are interested in learning about how they work. --- class: center, middle # What's next? ### Move on to the readings for the next module!